Sunday, April 29, 2007

Articles to Reflect upon for TECS 290

Laptops replace textbooks in Louisiana district

I think this is an excellent idea. Although I learned with pencil and paper, and I still think there’s a place for it, I think 1 to 1 initiatives are super. Give kids access to that much information, and there’s no telling what you’ll get! Kids are awesome with technology and they enjoy working with it more than they do paper and books, so why not let them learn the way they want.

Imagine how nice this would be for teachers, too. It’s easier to get assignments to kids, especially if they’re sick, and it’s easier to get assignments. No more “I forgot it in my locker, or at home, or in my other folder.” It’s due and it’s online! So much simpler! Students will also do better with the directions right in front of them. I like it in my own classes. If a teacher gives directions to do an assignment, I have to write it down or I’ll forget. It helps so much to have assignments online.

Video helps overhaul district's curriculum

I’ve actually never heard of this technology, and I was surprised to know hat it existed. It’s a very good idea. I think it would work especially well in history and science classes. Imagine being able to take students on a tour of the world’s major volcanoes during that unit. Or immerse them in the Dust Bowl. Students would get a kick out of that, leading them to be more engaged and more willing to learn.

I think that this is such a neat idea. I’m definitely going to research more about it!

The Marshal Of MySpace

I’ve never had any experience with MySpace, so I have no idea how it works, but all I’ve ever heard about it is bad. In Johnson County, a boy actually killed himself because hi classmates started a page called “Gay Hate,” in which they bullied and harassed him online. He was the object of their hate – they even posted a picture of him online, just so other kids would know who he was and could ridicule him in person. He killed himself after switching schools, because the site continued at his new school.

Is their anything good about the site? I’ve only heard bad news. Now this article where they’re spending time and money trying to catch offenders. Why not just close it down and start over, with better security?

If wired right, computers do belong in classrooms

I agree that classrooms need more sophisticated software, but I also think that the programs they have aren’t bad. Apparently they’re doing something or the teachers wouldn’t be using them. I think that students appreciate the software, because it’s a change from boringness. It’s a new experience for them.