Wednesday, May 9, 2007

More Articles to Reflect on

U.S. schools lag behind in use of technology

This article doesn’t show anything that most teachers don’t know nowadays. We all know that our students are more familiar with today’s technology than we are. We know this. I think that as teachers, we should ask our students about the technologies that they’re using. Then we could learn about them ourselves, and hopefully implement them and use them to help our students learn their subject matter.

National Education Technology Plan

I think this is a pretty good plan, and I like where most of it is heading, but I’m not sure f I like the idea of online course materials for every subject. I really don’t like reading stuff off a computer; it makes my head hurt. I prefer printed materials. I often will print out assignments and read them that way for this class! I also like it better so that I can organize my thoughts and the assignments easily and quickly. I think it would be a good idea for subjects that change quickly, like communication, technology, science, and the like. I think that subjects like math, English, and subjects like that do no need to go digital. It would be much easier to teach them with regular texts.

I think that this article shows where education is going. I think that we, as teachers, need to realize that we’re going to be doing online work. Lots of it. We may as well get used to working there. I also think that it’s a good idea. I, myself, cannot stand to sit in a class and be talked at and taught something I already know. I actually do worse in those classes than my higher level classes. For example, I received a D in a Mod. World Civ. (a VERY easy class) course because of my attendance. The professor pulled me aside and told me that I scored A’s on ll the tests, aced every quiz, participated intelligently in all discussions and that I knew the material, but she still gave a D. Why? Because I couldn’t stand to sit and listen to her lecture to the dumbest kids’ level. I really don’t like learning at a slow pace. It drives me crazy. I think the virtual classes will allow students to work at their own speed, and actually get something from the class, besides a good nap time.

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